Reaching out for Women in Science and Society


Scientists are also women and men that do not live isolated from society, and are therefore subjected to the unconscious bias that our cultural and historical heritage has seeded in our behaviours. Being aware of our bias and wear the gender glasses to unveil the unfair attitudes that we have inherited, is basic to change society in general and science society in particular.

This task is not easy and being informed and questioned is key for advancing, for this reason you will find here links to studies, initiatives and events to tackle this disequilibrium. I was a co-founder of the Diversity Committee at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology, IBE and a member of the PRBB Gender Equality Committee. Right now I continue my task by reading and being active in disseminating equality policies, as well as supporting Peer Mentoring Inniciatives among women scientist as the one networks I organized in November 2019, Peer Mentoring Around Spain.

A sample of useful links

Virginia Valiant; A  psychology professor at Hunter College, New York, which has been a serious investigator on gender inequality in academia. Virginia Valiant was one of the driving forces of the Gender Equity Project for which she is currently the director.  Virginia has publish two books that in my opinion are worth reading to understand the basis of this multifactorial problem, highlight the importance of what seems unimportant, and propose different solutions that open possibilities for change in any Institution. Why So Slow ?and, An inclusive Academy, achieving Diversity and Excellence, co-authored with Abigail J. Steward, both books from MIT press.

ERC Working Group in Gender Balance; A summary of the work on gender balance from the Science Council with links to interesting data and documents

Women in Science at EMBO; From the European Molecular Biology Organization, their views and studies.

Women in Science at UNESCO; Latest studies at world wide level.

European Platform for Women Scientist; A platform for integration of different European initiatives around gender equality.

For more links on women in sciences and actions check my Twitter account

A sample of some actions

International Day of Women and Girls in Science:

2019 Som Científiques IBE Campaign. For more info visit us on twitter @Elenacelomina, @IBE_Barcelona

https://International Day of Girls and Women in Science

Women in Evolution; A gender awareness day at the IBE: Programa de la jornada Women in Evolution

MeToo Science: Interview with Tania Verge, Associate professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

2017-STEMdinner at BIYSC (Barcelona International Youth Science Challenge)

2018-PRBB Open Day. First Inter-centers Activity for Unconscious Bias On Gender and Science for both adults and kids: Qui fa la Ciència? Quien es quien? Cuenta cuentos mujeres científicas


As a citizen I like to participate in society from different ambits and therefore also, from my professional expertise. Outreach activities for kids and teenagers are important for discovering science and what is to like to be a scientist. General public activities where current projects are disseminated in a lay language, are a path to return part of what society invests in public funds in research laboratories and also the opportunity to open a door for scientists and general public to communicate and know each other better. I am strong supporter of scientific outreach activities and I often collaborate with different outreach entities  in different formats, writing articles for blogs, annual open days,

Find here some links

Collaborations in specific workshops

PRBB Open day



Elena Casacuberta (IBE): “El equipo es básico en ciencia”

Mentoría entre iguales, una herramienta básica para ser científico o científica

La Ciència al teu món; Taller de Sant Jordi 2016, Ciència i Convivència 2018, Fronteres del Coneixement

Linda Buck

Música y Emociones

Sobre Blanche Wittman y Marie Curie y su bella amistad

Randy Sheckman y el gozo intelectual

Ciencia para hombres y Ciencia para Mujeres?

Biografías de mujeres científicas y la permanencia de los estereotipos

Marie Curie y La ridícula idea de no volver a verte

Blog La Ciència al teu Món

Alzheimer e Identidad

El poder molecular de la meditació

In collaboration with